Welcome to $10K for $2K 

Your PROVEN Roadmap to Surpass $10K/Month as a Wedding/Portrait Photographer


Quick Summary

Let's be honest, long sales pages suck 🤣 so here's the TL;DR... 

  • $10K for $2K: This is our 6-month group mentorship program
  •  It's PROVEN: Thousands of photographers have used our frameworks to generate more leads, close high-ticket sales, make more money, and build sustainable businesses! 
  • Wedding AND Portrait Photographers! Family, Maternity, Newborn, Pet, Wedding, Elopement; As long as you're a client-serving photographer, this program is for you! 
  • Weekly Interactive Coaching: 90 minutes in length and held on Zoom with replays available.
  • DWY Experience: Your membership includes Done-With-You Brand & Strategy Workbooks. 
  • DFY Resources: Also included are Done-For-You resources like social media templates, pricing guides, sales scripts, and AI tools (worth more than the price of admission on their own!).
  • 100,000+ Photographers: Have purchased our premium courses with a 99% satisfaction rate! 
  • Multi-7-Figure Mentors: This program isn't theory, it's the manual we've developed from running a multi-7-figure wedding/portrait studio for over a decade!  
  • Your Experience is Guaranteed! If you don't love it, email us within 30 days for a full refund! 

If you're ready to join, press any button on this page that says "Enroll Now." 

Otherwise, keep reading to learn more!

Click Here to Enroll

When it comes to building a photography business

🤔 Have you ever asked yourself...


How do I charge more, what I'm worth? 


How do I build packages and price my work?  


Why am I struggling to generate leads?  


How do I close sales without discounting? 


How come I keep getting ghosted? 


How do I stand out and stop being undercut?

Having worked with thousands of photographers, let me just say that... 

🤗 First, you're not alone...

🤬 Second, you're RIGHT to be frustrated!

Can I spill a couple dirty secrets? 

☕️ Our industry has two types of photography coaches and educators

⬅ On the left, we have the artist educators. People that would have you believe things like, “As long as your work is good, you’ll get clients no problem.”

➡ On the right, we have the business coaches. People that would have you believe things like, “It’s not a photography problem, all you need is business training!”

But here’s the truth…

📷 To be a successful wedding or portrait photographer, you must deliver as a creative AND business professional. 

Now, are you ready for the next dirty secret? 

Dirty secret number two! 

🤯 Most photography educators make their money teaching!

Most photography educators don't make their money working with clients.  They make the majority of their money selling courses.

Why is this problematic? 

Because they claim to be able to teach you how to build a successful photography business without having done so themselves. 

Above, I mentioned that this is a program put together by multi-7-figure mentors. Some of you might have thought that I was bragging. It’s OK, I get it…

But I didn’t share that to brag. I shared that detail because I want you to know something important...

This program isn’t theory, It’s your entire operating manual 📕 for running a successful photography business.

We know this because it’s the same manual we use to run ours.

$10K for $2K is the

Step-by-step roadmap and mentorship experience that we wished existed 15 years ago!

This is not just online videos that you watch on your own, it's an interactive 6-month mentorship program that offers a done-with-you experience filled with done-for-you tools and resources. 

It's aimed to help you tackle THREE core issues within your business: 


1️⃣ How do you consistently generate leads without spending money on paid advertising? 


2️⃣ How do you raise your prices while also improving your ability to close high-ticket sales? 


3️⃣ How do you attract the right clients, especially if you don't live in or near a big city?


Rather than just show you program features, I want to introduce you to the CORE of $10K for $2K by helping you understand how each step of the course addresses these critical issues. 


"This program has forever changed our lives. My wife and I can now provide for our family doing something we love!!! I don't know what else to say beyond that other than I am forever grateful to you Pye."

Matthew, SLR Lounge Alumni
Introducing $10K for $2K

Your Core 6-Month Mentorship Experience Includes:

📍 16-Step Roadmap

Building a business is complicated! That's why we've removed the guesswork with a 16-Step Roadmap to build a thriving and sustainable photography business. 

🖥 Weekly Coaching

Accountability, guidance, and coaching! Our weekly group coaching calls offer space to work step-by-step through each aspect of your business. 

📚 Done-With-You

Included are Business, Brand, and Strategy Workbooks that we will complete together. Over time, these Workbooks will become your business and operating manual. 

I'm Ready! Let's Go!

The 16-Step Roadmap Begins With... 

Building Your Foundation for Sustainability

I know you probably want to jump straight into PROBLEM 1️⃣  which was...

How do you consistently generate leads without spending money on paid advertising?

Before we can help you build a consistent flow of leads and paying clients, we have to first help build your foundation by answering questions like: 

  • What niche should I focus on? 
  • Who is my ideal client?
  • What’s a clarified message and how do I write one? 
  • How do I compete in my market and position my brand? 
  • How should I build and price my packages? 
  • How do I craft a website that converts visits into leads!? 
  • How do I design an overall experience? 

What we're really doing here is starting the process with PROBLEM 3️⃣ which was...

How do you attract the right clients, especially if you don't live in or near a big city?

We must begin by identifying who are your "right clients." 

Because if we don't start with this question, it won't matter how many eyeballs you put on your work and website. Those visits and views WON'T CONVERT into leads because they're not the right audience! 

SIDE NOTE: I don't want you to feel bad if you haven't yet done this for your business. Truth be told, I've seen thousands of photographers who have been in business for years without properly identifying who they're trying to serve. 

This is why the STEPS 1-5 of $10K for $2K are all about answering these critical questions.

Steps 1, 2, 3

Niche, Audience, Market, & Psychology

Step One - You're going to use the Business Roadmap & Journal to identify your niche, target audience, and begin crafting your brand identity. From there, you'll write a clarified message that we can bring into all of your messaging.

Step Two - You're going to complete the Environment Workbook to get a better understanding of your competition and potential partners. 

Step Three - We're going right into consumer and pricing psychology. Not only will you understand WHY clients purchase your work, you're going to complete your Client Avatar Workbook to have a complete picture of who you're marketing to. 

Steps 4 and 5

Pricing, Package, and Website Design

Step Four - Now that you understand your environment and target client, you're ready to price and design packages. It's here where you'll also complete your pricing and experience guides (utilizing our templates).

Step Five - Now that your foundation is completed, you're going to move on to craft a website that converts visits into leads! It's here where we're going to make sure your brand identity and messaging matches the type of clients you're seeking. In doing this, you'll see why Steps 1-4 were so crucial. 

With your foundation in place, we move on to...

Marketing and Lead Generation

Now we get to the FUN STUFF! 

Steps 6-11 are all focused on MARKETING and answering PROBLEM 1️⃣...

How do you consistently generate leads without spending money on paid advertising?

This is where we'll be working through step-by-step to answer questions like: 

  • How do I generate a sustainable lead funnel
  • How do I make sure my website is SEO-optimized?
  • How do I create SEO-driven content for my website?
  • What’s the best approach to social media marketing
  • How do I create viral content that reaches my target audience?
  • How do I create vendor/venue relationships that can help my business?

Building your foundation was all about creating a brand and experience that would convert eyeballs into leads. 

Now, in the marketing section, you're going to learn HOW to generate ORGANIC views! Meaning we're going to pour views into your online experience which is now designed to convert! 

In addition, you're going to build a lead generation system that hits on multiple fronts. Because when you solely rely on social media or word of mouth, you're setting your business up to fail should one of those lead sources disappear. 

Steps 6-9


Step Six - You begin by completing your SEO Roadmap Workbook which contains your overall SEO strategy.

Step Seven - You will start to implement and optimize your website's SEO presence to suit your targetted keywords and audience.

Step Eight - You'll learn how to create SEO-driven content that drives valuable traffic to your website long-term.

Step Nine - You'll learn how to get your website ranked so you begin showing up in organic search (and image search) results. 

Steps 10 and 11

Social Media & Partnership Marketing

Step Ten - We're going to provide you with frameworks, resources, and templates that make it easy to generate organic views on social media. Oh, and not just views, potentially viral views that reach your audience! 

Step Eleven - This is where you're going to layer on to your content marketing strategy by creating mutually beneficial partnerships with complimentary businesses in your area. 

Now that you're generating lots of leads, it's time for...

Sales and High-Ticket Closing! 

Truthfully, this is my favorite topic in the program. 

Because as photographers, we tend to fear the sales process. Why? Because we don't like the feeling of being sold. It's dirty and scummy. 

But that's the beauty... 

Because once you've learned our approach to sales, you're not even going to think of it as sales. Sales (when done correctly) is an important value-added service within your client experience. In fact, it will shock you at first when your clients smile while handing you thousands of dollars! 

But it's here where we're going to answer questions like: 

  • How do I sell if I don't like sales? 
  • How do I sell if I'm introverted and shy? 
  • How do I respond to clients who compare me to cheaper photographers? 
  • How do I stop discounting just to close sales? 
  • How can I confidently close high-ticket sales? 
  • How do I encourage clients to book without being pushy? 
  • How do I raise my prices and charge what I'm worth?

STEPS 12-16 is where we're going to accomplish all of this. 

Steps 12, 13, and 14

Sales Psychology! 

Step Twelve - Why do clients pass on our offers? This module is dedicated to helping photographers understand why we fail to close potential clients.

Step Thirteen - Why do people buy your luxury service? Here we're diving into every reason a client is willing to spend thousands on YOU. (Spoiler alert, it has nothing to do with your gear or how you shoot). 

Step Fourteen - Now that you understand sales psychology, this module will lay out our step-by-step system to close virtually EVERY client that walks through your doors.

Steps 15 and 16

Sales Scripts & Objection Handling 

Step Fifteen - Within this module you're going to master phone sales. While the process is similar to in-person sales, phone sales require a much quicker approach to our delivery.  

Step Sixteen - Our last module within the program will help you get comfortable with objections and the word "no." Objection handling and follow-ups are a necessary part of sales and not something that you need to be afraid of. Oh, and don't worry, you'll be able to manage objections and close clients without using any high-pressure sales tactics. 

Assume you've completed the Core 16-Step Program...

And now you're generating consistent leads, closing high-ticket sales, and getting paid what you're worth...

I would imagine that you would be ecstatic with the program given that you're making FAR MORE money than the cost of admission.

But wait... there's more! (I love that line 😂)

🎁 Let's talk $10K for $2K Bonus Features!

Because these done-for-you tools and resources are worth far more than the price of admission ON THEIR OWN.

BONUS: Done-for-You Tools and Resources

Bonus #1

SEO Content Creator

Creating SEO-driven content is key, but it's also time-consuming! Now what would have taken you hours can be accomplished in just minutes with this Custom GPT! 

NOTE: Requires a Chat GPT Premium membership.

Bonus #2

Viral Script Writer

From ideation to scripting, creating viral organic content is challenging! Access a done-for-you Custom GPT to help you quickly write powerful short-form content!

​NOTE: Requires a Chat GPT Premium membership.`

Bonus #3

Social Media Templates

Stop wasting time editing short-form content! We've made done-for-you templates to allow you to drag-and-drop your way to engaging short-form content.

NOTE: Requires a Canva account (Free).

Bonus #4

Group Portfolio Audits 

All of us struggle to know what to put in our photography portfolio, or what to publish on our social media accounts. For this reason, each month we'll be doing group portfolio reviews to help you understand exactly how potential clients perceive the images you display online.

Bonus #5

Group SEO & UX Audits 

Your website needs to be able to bring in views (via SEO-driven content), and then convert those views into actual leads! Group UX & SEO audits allow us to review member website to help you know what type of overall experience your website is providing to potential clients.  

Bonus #6

Sales Manual & Scripts

Your membership includes our Comprehensive Sales Manual complete with phone and in-person sales scripts and objection handling. This is the same manual and scripts that we use to run a multi-7-figure studio! It works! 

Bonus #7

Portrait Pricing Guides

Your membership includes two Portrait Experience & Pricing templates to help you craft the perfect experience for your portrait clients. 

​NOTE: One commercial use license included. Requires a Canva account (Free).

Bonus #8

Wedding Pricing Guides

Also included are two Wedding Experience & Pricing templates to help you craft the perfect experience for wedding photography clients. 

NOTE: One commercial use license included. Requires a Canva account (Free).

Bonus #9

Lesson & Replay Library

Your membership includes access to our complete Lesson and Replay Library.

This Library is not only growing quickly with new topics and guidance, it offers you the ability to work at your own pace.

Yes! Enroll Me!

In case it helps with your decision...

Here are some words directly from our Members

Today, you have one simple decision... 

Are you ready to build a successful photography business? 


$10K for $2K
6-Month Mentorship



(Total program value $11,064!)


$10K for $2K CORE PROGRAM (VALUED AT $5,991!)
  • 16-Step Roadmap to Business Success
  • 6-Months of Weekly Group Coaching (via Zoom)
  • Done-with-You: Brand & Strategy Workbook
  • 6-Months of Private Coaching Group Membership
$10K for $2K BONUS FEATURES (VALUED AT $5,073!)
  • Group Portfolio & Website SEO Audits
  • Done-for-You: Social Media Templates
  • Done-for-You: Portrait Pricing & Experience Guides
  • Done-for-You: Wedding Pricing & Experience Guides
  • Done-for-You: SEO Content Creator GPT
  • Done-for-You: Viral Script Writer GPT
  • Done-for-You: Sales Manual & Scripts
  • Complete Lesson & Replay Library






Coaching + Premium

6-Month Mentorship + Lifetime Premium



(Total program value > $14,000!)


$10K for $2K CORE PROGRAM (VALUED AT $5,991!)
  • 16-Step Roadmap to Business Success
  • 6-Months of Weekly Group Coaching (via Zoom)
  • Done-with-You: Brand & Strategy Workbook
  • 6-Months of Private Coaching Group Membership
$10K for $2K BONUS FEATURES (VALUED AT $5,073!)
  • Group Portfolio & Website SEO Audits
  • Done-for-You: Social Media Templates
  • Done-for-You: Portrait Pricing & Experience Guides
  • Done-for-You: Wedding Pricing & Experience Guides
  • Done-for-You: SEO Content Creator GPT
  • Done-for-You: Viral Script Writer GPT
  • Done-for-You: Sales Manual & Scripts
  • Complete Lesson & Replay Library
  • Lifetime Access to All Workshops
  • 30+ Workshops, 1500+ Lessons + Exercise Files
  • Community Forum and Facebook Group Access
  • Exclusive Partner Discounts on Recommended Software

Our money-back guarantee

Commit to the process, show up, do the work! 

Look, I want you to make an informed decision on this program. The only problem is that this is IMPOSSIBLE from the outside. To make an informed decision, you need to get inside and start working your way through the lessons, join us on calls, and begin using all of the done-for-you tools.

Then and only then will you be informed.

That’s why I’m offering you the guarantee. Because I want to give you the time you need to make an informed decision on the program.

Today, you're deciding on one simple thing, “do you want to build a successful photography business?” If that answer is yes, enroll and dive in.

From there, show up and do the work with me. If you find that the program isn’t a good fit for you, simply let me know within 30 days and I will give you a full refund.

I believe so fully in this program that I’m willing to take away any risk on your part. You either love the experience, or you get your money back. But I’m going to make one ask of you…

Commit to the process, show up, and do the work.

Do this, and I promise in just months, you’re going to be in a completely different place in your photography business and career growth.

Meet your coach

Hi, my name is Pye

I’m a photographer and educator who’s had the honor of teaching on platforms like Creative Live, Adorama TV WPPI, and Imaging USA. I’ve had the opportunity to teach with incredible companies like Canon, Adobe, Profoto, MagMod, B&H, and more. I can’t tell you what it means to me to have watched tens of thousands of students from around the world purchase my courses with a 99% satisfaction rate. Thousands of which have gone on to become successful photographers with thriving businesses.

And ALL of this started with ONE THING…

We built a successful photography business.

A little more than 15 years ago...

My business partners and I created Lin + Jirsa Photography while living in our dinky little apartments in Orange County. We knew nothing about photography (literally nothing).

When we first started, our only saving grace was that did understand business in a general sense. During our first and second year, we spent most of our time working out of our apartments while meeting and booking clients at a local coffee shop. 

By our third year, we were in a studio running a 7-figure photography business.

This is why you’re here, I’m going to help you build a thriving photography business. 

ONLY THING… I’m going to help you build the photography business of your dreams, not mine.


Frequently Asked Questions